LCRS is being rewritten! Once it's done, the over-all features are:
- Reliably wipes data from disk drives (HDD & SDD)
- Recognizes hardware components specs and sends them to your database
- Stress tests processor, memory and disk drive
- Reads S.M.A.R.T. data and battery stats
- Supports workshop best practices and workflow.
The following is the raw "TODO" list of what we want to achieve in the upgrade. Our short-term critical updates that will be implemented firstly are:
- Updated Linux kernel for the embedded "client" component - needed for latest ethernet cards
- A build-system for our .deb packages such that updates can be automatically distributed via a PPA.
- Updated developer guide so that other partners and interns can contribute to the software
- Identification and labeling of hardware issues directly from LCRS to support discarding computers or hardware upgrade workflows after the wiping + testing phase.
Our long-term updates are:
- Use ATA protocol for wiping drives - 100x faster than software wiping
- Use HDD SMART data for detecting badblocks rather than running surface scan (saves ~30min - 1 hour)
- Stress tests: Load CPU + Harddisk + RAM, program to do it is already written, it's called stress
- Testing of screens: Displaying a test picture and detecting screen properties with xrandr
- Deletion of loose hard drives via USB docking bays
- Rewrite the UI with Python3 + GTK3
- Open up and document RESTful web API for reporting data to web server ( - or Camara servers)
- Database / web application changes: Create logging (history) of computer hardware state changes when upgrading for instance from 1GB to 2GB.
LCRS v2 (old version)
The previous version of LCRS was active from 2011-2016. Before this version, we had FCRS (Fair Recycling Suite), which we consider the v1 series.